Enroll in an Activity

Enroll in an Activity

This article describes how to enroll in online activities. As of July 2022, all online activity enrollment is done in the ACR Education Center. For information on how to find available activities, see the article Browse Available Activities.  
Note: Rheum2Learn activities are now available in the ACR Education Center. Unlike other online activities, the content can be accessed without logging into an ACR account. However, you have to log into an account in order to take an assessment and receive a Certificate of Participation. Additionally, the ACR Education Center's mobile app requires an account. See the Rheum2Learn section at the bottom of this article for more information.

Enroll in an Activity

The process to enroll in activities differs for fee and paid activities. The activity price can be found while browsing the catalog. (See the red circles in the screenshot below for examples.)

If you are not logged into your ACR account, you will see two buttons for every activity: Add to Cart and DetailsIf you are logged into your ACR account, the Add to Cart button for free activities will update to Enroll (#2 in the below screenshot), while the Add to Cart button will remain the same for paid activities (#1 in the below screenshot). 

Enroll in a Free Activity

The process to enroll in a free activity varies, based on if you are logged into your ACR account. Below you will find the steps to enroll in free activities for both scenarios. 

If you are not logged in to your ACR account

  1. Find the activity in the Catalog.
    1. (See the Browse Available Activities article for information on how to find activities.)
  2. Click Add to Cart.
    1. (You will be redirected to the Login page.)
  3. Log into your ACR account.
    1. (You will be redirected back to the activity page.)
  4. Click Enroll.
    1. The system will automatically enroll you in the activity - no further action is needed.
    2. You will receive a notification that says "Enrollment Complete."
    3. The Add to Cart button on the Catalog page will disappear.



If you are logged in to your ACR account

  1. Find the activity in the Catalog.
    1. (See the Browse Available Activities article for information on how to find activities.)
  2. Click Enroll.
    1. The system will automatically enroll you in the activity - no further action is needed.
    2. You will receive a notification that says "Enrollment Complete."
    3. The Enroll button on the Catalog page will disappear.


The following video provides an on-screen demonstration of how to find and enroll in free activities on the ACR Education Center:

Enroll in a Paid Activity

Follow these steps to enroll in a paid activity:
  1. Find the activity in the Catalog.
    1. (See the Browse Available Activities article for information on how to find activities.)
  2. Click Add to Cart while viewing the Catalog or the activity detail page.
    1. (If you are not logged in to your ACR account, you will be redirected to the login page. After you log in, you will be redirected back to the Catalog.)
  3. You will know the activity has been added to your cart when you see:
    1. A pop-up message that says it has been added to your cart.
    2. The cart icon at the top of the page is updated to reflect the total number of items in your cart.
    3. The Add to Cart button will turn grey and say Added to Cart.
  4. If you need to remove an item from your cart, click on the cart icon at the top of your screen, then click the X next to the activity you want to remove.
    1. You can also remove items by clicking Remove on the checkout page.
  5. When you are ready to checkout, click the cart icon at the top of your screen, then click Continue to checkout.
  6. Review your items on the checkout page, then click Continue to checkout.
  7. Enter your payment information, then click Process Payment.
  8. After the transaction is complete, you will receive an email confirmation.





Apply a Coupon Code

If you received a coupon code, follow these steps to receive the discount:
  1. Follow steps 1 - 5 in the Enroll in a Paid Activity section of this article.
  2. On the checkout page, click Add Coupon +.
  3. Enter the enter the coupon code into the box that appears, then click Apply.
  4. You will see the discount applied.
  5. Continue to checkout.




Rheum2Learn activities are now available in the ACR Education Center. Unlike other activities, the content can be accessed without logging into an ACR account to allow faster access for medical students. The steps below outline how to access the content without logging into an account.

If you want to access the content using the ACR Education Center's mobile app, or if you want to take an assessment and receive a Certificate of Participation, you must log in to your ACR account.

How to Access Rheum2Learn Content Without Logging In to Your ACR Account
  1. Go to the ACR Education Center.
  2. On the Catalog page, find Rheum2Learn: All Activities and click Details.
  3. On the details page, click Activities.
  4. Here you will find all Rheum2Learn activities; find the one you want to access and click Go to Activity.
  5. This is the activity's homepage. Here you will find the following:
    1. In the Activity Content section, click the blue link to access the activity's content.
    2. On the left side of the page, you will see links to access the other Rheum2Learn activities.
    3. In the Questions & Answers section, you will see links to take the quiz and find the answers.
      1. Note: You must be logged in to an ACR account in order to access these links.



If you have questions, contact us at education@rheumatology.org