Meeting Website and App Frequently Asked Questions

Meeting Website and App Frequently Asked Questions

This article contains frequently asked questions about using the ACR Convergence 2023 meeting website and app.

Do I have to be registered for ACR Convergence 2023 in order to access the meeting website and app?

Yes. Registration is required in order to access the meeting website and app.

Is internet access required?

Yes. Internet access is required to use the website and app.

How do I log in to the meeting website and app?

See the Access Your Meeting Website and App Account article for details on how to log in.

Will the website log me out due to inactivity?

When you log into the website, you will remain logged in for a few hours, unless you manually log out. If your internet browser's settings clear your cache after you close a browsing session, you will have to log into the website every time you want to access it. 

Can I log into the meeting website from different devices?

Yes. You can log into the meeting website from any device that has an internet browser. Type or copy and paste and enter your username and password. If you are not sure what your password is, see the Access Your Meeting Website and App Account article.

How do I modify my profile information on the meeting website?

To modify the information that appears on your profile, edit your ACR Account profile by following these steps:
  1. Log into your ACR account
  2. On the navigation menu, find My Information and then click Profile.
  3. Make the desired changes and click Save.
Note: The update may take up to twenty minutes to appear on the meeting website and app.

You may also make limited updates on the meeting website or app, however this is not recommended as it will not update your ACR account.

What time zone is set for the meeting website and app?

The default time zone on the meeting website and app is Pacific Standard Time (US). 

How do I watch sessions on demand?

Select sessions will be available via livestream and most sessions will be recorded and available on demand within 24 hours after the session ends. Note: some meetings require attendees to purchase a specific pass(es) in order to view on demand content.

Follow these steps to watch a live or on-demand session on the meeting website:
  1. Log into the meeting website or app.
  2. Go to the session: On the main menu, hover over Program and click Schedule or My Schedule (if you have saved a session(s) to My Schedule.)
  3. Locate a session and click View More Details
  4. View session content using the embedded video player.

Can I download session recordings?

No. Session recordings are not available for download.

When do on demand sessions expire?

On-demand access to ACR Convergence 2023 sessions expires on October 31, 2024. 

Can I watch multiple sessions simultaneously?

While it is not recommended, you can watch sessions simultaneously by opening additional browser windows. 

How do I turn on/off closed captions?

You can turn on closed captions within the settings on your preferred internet browser:
Firefox (no direct settings. Requires installation of a preferred closed captioning browser add-on.)

Where can I find session materials (handouts, slides, etc.)?

Follow these steps to access session materials:
  1. Log into the meeting website or app.
  2. Go to the session: On the main menu, hover over Program and click Schedule or My Schedule (if you saved a session to My Schedule)
  3. Locate a session and click View More Details
  4. Click Slides.
  5. Download desired files.

Note: While most speakers upload files for participants, it is not required.

Will the Q&A for a session remain open after the meeting ends?

The Q&A and Polls tab will remain open after a meeting ends to allow for further discussion and review of information. Speakers and moderators may not respond to additional questions after the live session has ended. 

How long will the session chat be available?

The chat for each session will be available before, during, and after the meeting to allow discussion about the session to continue.

If you have questions, contact us at