Manage My Schedule

Manage My Schedule

This article describes how to create and manage your personal schedule for ACR Convergence 2023.

We recommend creating your schedule before the meeting to make it easier to manage your schedule and keep track of attendance.  

Create My Schedule

Scientific and Industry Sessions

Follow these steps to browse sessions and create your personal schedule – called My Schedule, on the meeting website and app
  1. Log into the meeting website or app.
  2. On the main menu, hover over Program and click Schedule to access scientific sessions. To access industry supported sessions, hover over Exhibit Hall and click Industry Symposia, Innovation Theater, or Lightning Talks
  3. Scroll down to browse all sessions. Use the date tabs to jump to a specific date.
  4. You may filter sessions by the following criteria:
    1. General Topic
    2. Primary Topic
    3. Session Format
    4. Session Type
    5. Time
  5. You may also use the Search Sessions field to find a session based on a keyword search (title, content, speaker name, etc.)

         6. Click on a session to read the description and find more information.
         7. To add a session to your schedule, click Add to My Schedule.
         8. To remove a session from your schedule, find the session and click Remove from My Schedule.


    Follow these steps to browse poster sessions and add them to your personal schedule – My Schedule:
    1. Log into the meeting website or app.
    2. On the main menu, hover over Program and click Posters to access poster sessions. 
    3. Click on a session to read the description and find more information.
    4. Click Add to My Schedule to add the poster to your schedule.
    5. To remove a poster from your schedule, find the poster and click Remove from My Schedule.

    If you have questions, email us at